Sunday, April 24, 2011

Good bye ITEC 7445...

As I first began ITEC 7445 (Multimedia and Web Design in Education) I was a blank canvas. I had never taken a design class before...I just used my natural born talent to make everything look amazing! Well now that end is here, my natural born talent was not so much a talent as a lucky guess. I can already see myself critiquing my own work and others when it comes to the design elements. My newfound knowledge of HTML has already come into play with my website having hiccups and I have just given it a good dose of HTML TLC to fix it! I never thought I would say this, but thank you HTML. You have been helpful. I no longer feel like a blank canvas when it comes to design...I feel like a work in progress. I can see myself using my design knowledge in helping create and implement with other teachers or on my own amazing worksheets! I do not think my canvas is complete yet, so hopefully more knowledge will be add to create a complete design package!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Webquest Update...again!

O my you keep changing! I have it mostly done right now...well as done as a my decision making skills allow. I keep tweaking things, but that is normal for me. I really only have the video and audio left to do. I have left little "to add's" through out my unpublished Weebly so far, but there are not many left! I can see the end in sight!!!

I can say that I tackled HTML and won the battle while building my webquest on Weebly!!! I wanted to put my rubrics up as tables and Weebly was not happy with that idea. So I took my Word docs and saved it as a webpage, opened the webpage, and copy/pasted the code. It worked the end of the 1.5 hours I spent making the tables look exactly the way I wanted on Weebly. Lots of copy/paste, but now they are perfect. Unless I change my requirements again, and then I might throw my computer across the room. :) I feel accomplished for mastering (sort of!) something that scared me before we learned about it.