My VISION in progress!

My vision as of 9/9/10
As I read about how to create a technology plan, how to create a VISION, and then the case study, I felt confident that I was ready to create my own VISION. The readings showed me where to start, how to proceed, what resources I needed to locate to create an effective plan, and overall I was ready to jump in the deep end of the pool and begin right away! Now, the day after I read all of this wonderful and lengthy knowledge and tips, I am back to being clueless and panicky! I know that my VISION should explain how technology should be used in schools, but right now, all I can think about is how I use technology. I use technology to reinforce the concepts we are studying. I use it so students can take concepts and research them to analyze and explain the concepts in more detail. I use it for the creation of products that students make to show and explain the content in new and exciting ways. Right now, the only VISION I have for my school is to use the technology we currently have, but to take it past the delivery of information and move it towards creating an interactive classroom where technology supports the standards. However, I am not sure of the HOW yet. Providing more training for teachers that shows them how they specifically can use technology in their classroom is the first step. A lot of teachers have technology in their classrooms, but they are not sure how it will work with their content area. We can train teachers on how technology works, but until we teach them how to use it for their subject and their needs, they will not be motivated to attempt something new. I know this is not a grand VISION right now, but every day I am thinking of how to achieve my very vague goal (an interactive classroom where technology supports the standards) and turn it into my VISION. (For those of you who do not know why I keep spelling vision like VISION, it is because on everything I have seen about this VISION I need to create, it is spelled in all capitals. I think it makes it more important and threatening then an under case vision.) Hopefully, my VISION will come to me soon…it is constantly in the back of my mind, which can be overwhelming.  However, right now it is only reminding me, not trying to kill me!

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