Sunday, February 20, 2011

HTML fun fun!

I was extremely hesitant to learn code.  It has never interested me or ever really been a tiny thought bubble in my head.  However, I was told that I was going to be learning code, so I did.  And I actually enjoyed the process of learning it! It was exciting to type a few keys and see my work appear on a blank webpage.  Yes, I only learned the very basic code possible and I Googled the rest to make my page pink, but I still tried my hardest and I am giving myself a pat on the back!

I am not really sure how I am going to use my new found knowledge of code in my classroom though.  The only thing I can think of is when my class blog acts up, I can attempt to solve the problem.  I do not think I am going to be building any websites from scratch any time soon...or ever!  I shall always use websites that come with templates, so all the hard work is already done for me.  All I will have to do is pick some cute background and color scheme and add my content.  I will most likely use Google Sites for my portfolio, but will be keeping my eyes open for another resource that I have not used before so I can go on another adventure!


  1. Whitney, check out the link on my post for Web design. I happened to find a blog post with 10 different tools for teachers and students. Maybe one of those will interest you. I know I am going to look at a few of them to see how they compare to Google sites. I felt very much the way you did in that it was good to know how to understand the code but I cant imagine creating a web page from scratch.

  2. clap clap clap.... hehehe... way to go!! See we knew we would learn some stuff in grad school. I don't know how to use much of it either with students... but you just never know when it will come in handy!

    PS. thanks for taking notes for me!

  3. Hey Whitney! I love your blog! You sound to technically proficient, as I'm sure you are. I've been struggling with this TECH 7445 class, as you well know, but I'm beginning to see a little light at the end of the tunnel. I think I'm going to make it after all...or at least, I surely hope so. I, like you, feel that though it was good to learn the basics of html, I don't want to have to use it when there is other software out there where I can have the same results without all the mind-bending html language. See ya!
