Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thing 18 - Being social is a good thing!

Wow.  Classroom 2.0 is very overwhelming!  I looked at the website over a week’s worth of time, trying to take in as much information as possible, but I think I still need more time before I have seen everything I want to.  I really did like Classroom 2.0 and I think I am going to join them.  I like the idea of having a professional social network where I can pose questions and get help from outside people.  Sometimes you just need a new eye to see the solution to your problem.  I read some discussions where I wanted to comment, but could not since I am not a member yet.  I liked how many different groups there with different focuses on for each, so I can get my fill on every topic I am fascinated by. 

I really enjoyed reading a discussion on “Looking for examples of science classrooms using web 2.0.  I found the discussion by searching Groups for “science.”  The discussion was started in 2009 and has posts as late as 2010.  They were offering great ideas and suggestions for Web 2.0 in the science classroom.  I am interested in Prezi now.  Click here for the presentation the author of the discussion post created based on feedback to her post using Prezi.  I hope one day (when my membership is approved of course!) to be able to take part in a discussion just like this one.  Classroom 2.0 is an extremely helpful and awe-inspiring website for educators to join and find help/ideas from other educators who are just like them!

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